(If you are reading this you are one of few…because we haven’t been able to get this to everyone)

You need to read this now – because I don’t know how long I’ll be allowed to leave these valuable tips up for free…

Censorship has become very common lately…

The government doesn’t want to you know the real facts… facts like there have been 15.3 million guns sold in 2020 so far… and the fact that there are now 5.1 million new gun owners… maybe you’re one of them.

This HUGE surge in gun sales began with the coronavirus and the government shutdowns…

It then became the news that police aren’t going to be able to respond to every emergency.

And now… the election is coming up.

My teachings have been banned in certain countries because they are ruthlessly effective…

And frankly, they scare the you-know-what out of those who would prefer to pretend that unprovoked violence is not a part of daily life in our society…

Hi, I’m Tim…

Today I will be sharing the deadliest information I have ever shared…

From an operator who was kicking down doors…

And putting lead into bad guys…

Less than 24 hours before sharing the secrets you’re about to hear…

And you can imagine what will happen when the anti-gun crowd finds out…

This page could very well be banned from the internet…

So read this now…while you still can…

And if you think you’ve seen, heard and tried it all when it comes to firearms training…

I guarantee you’ve never seen anything like this before…

Because it is straight out of America’s Tier-1 special forces units…

The way they train… Today…

After thousands of firefights with terrorists – in every environment…

I promise you’ll be pleasantly surprised when you see just how easy it is to apply these tips to become a more combat efficient version of yourself…

One tip in particular will completely astonish you…

Now remember – I’m about to share exactly how to strip away all of the deadly firearms training myths – faster than you ever imagined possible…

And even more little-known tips for becoming deadlier than most police and military service members walking around today…

By doing the exact opposite of what you’ve been taught by firearms instructors…

First though – I’m gonna share something that may upset you…

You’ll see why in a moment…

Should You Leave This Page?

So do me a favor:

If you aren’t serious about becoming deadly proficient with your firearm so that you can protect the innocent from gun-wielding psychopaths…

Then stop reading NOW…

This page is NOT for you…

This is not a joke… and I am not playing…

People’s lives are on the line and I am dead serious…

The information on this page is simply too shocking for me to share with people who can’t understand the primal need to “protect and defend” …

People who have never seen a tragedy on the news and thought “If only I had been there… I could have stopped it” …


If you ARE serious about becoming THAT warrior…

The one who stands as a shield between danger and the innocent, then I want you to keep reading…

Because society needs you now more than ever…


NOW: Before we move on – I want to apologize…

Here’s why…

I Am Sick Of Gun Grabbing
Mainstream Media B.S.

For the last 50 years or so, since shortly after our brave men and women returned from World War II…
Warriors like you have been attacked and abused by the mainstream media…

You’ve been told that your desire to fight is wrong or bad…

And that you should repress it for more gentle ways…

This has led to a weakening and watering down of the truth about what it really takes to survive and put a stop to gun violence…

And you deserve better than that…

You deserve to feel proud… to walk around with your head held high…

And to receive the kind of training that is effective…even if it is not politically correct…

And while I have no desire to paint a target on my back for the anti-gun media, I place a much higher priority on helping you than anything else…

Even if that means I face persecution by those who continue to spread lies…

To me, it’s worth ANY cost if I can empower good people like you to preserve life…

That’s why I feel compelled to share this training with you today…

Because what I see happening today across the country makes me angry… frustrated… and DETERMINED to help…

Did you know that – in the US alone – on average:

In other words:

In the time that has lapsed since you began reading, 5 people – with families and those who love them…

Have been murdered because the bad guy won…

And another 792 were violently attacked…

That’s in the United States alone…

And if you think this is only an American problem – think again…

Recent headlines revealed that the murder rate in London is greater than in New York city…

And statistically speaking – the US is 31st in the world for gun violence…

Meaning there are 30 countries where the violence is even more frequent…

And hardly a day goes by without some scumbag murdering people for no reason at all…

Because of their skin color… or their religious beliefs…

Or because they just happened to be there when the lunatic got mad at society and lashed out…
All of this should tell you one thing:

We Need YOU Now
More Than Ever

There has never been a time when it is more important to be prepared…

To know – with absolute certainty that you are able to deploy your firearm and put down the threat in under 3 seconds…

That’s why I’ve stepped outside the “traditional system” to share the latest training techniques with you…

So that you and your loved ones will never, EVER be the victims in a violent event…

So that the bad guy is the one who leaves in a body bag…

And you and your loved ones go on to pursue your hopes and dreams…

I’ll share all the details in the next few minutes…

First, we need to talk about the real problem you face today… because unless we address the real issues, how can we find a real solution?

Most folks are told they must spend thousands of dollars on the latest, greatest firearm…

As if having some special gun will suddenly prepare you for a gunfight…

The real problem is that the firearms training industry is ruled by those who have no combat experience…

And these trainers rake in $49.3 BILLION dollars a year – mostly selling lies that will get you killed in a firefight…

And the consequences are deadly…

One of the worst lies they teach you is that their old-school training techniques will save your bacon…

It’s time that you empower yourself with the true facts because that lie is not even close to the truth… in fact:

Just the OPPOSITE is true…

Please if you get nothing else from what I say here today, know this:

Outdated Training Will
Get You Killed

Unless you are learning from someone who is a current-day war-fighter…

The techniques you are learning were discarded by Tier-1 operators a decade ago because they do not work on the modern battlefield…

Yet you can easily master real Tier 1 tested and proven techniques in the comfort of your own living room…

(I kid you not and you’ll see exactly how in a moment)

If you’re one of the millions who have given these hucksters your money and bought into their lies, then you must decide right now to believe the truth instead…

Because if you don’t – the price you pay could be your life…

Or the life of someone you love…


This is NOT what I want for you – and I know it’s not what you want for yourself…

And most importantly, it’s not your fault…

If you want to blame someone, blame the fat cats in the firearms training industry who create the problem…

Their lust for money is more powerful than their need to tell the truth…

The truth that they have never had shots fired at them in anger…

Never watched a bad guy with two holes in his chest keep pulling the trigger…

And the fact that they have never had to put down a terrorist who was jacked up on heroin screaming ‘Allahu ‘akbar” while pointing an AK-47 at their head…

These drugstore cowboys don’t care that real people – with lives and families – get hurt…

As long as the money keeps rolling in…

Am I saying that everyone in the firearms training industry is corrupt?

No way…

But besides the outright dishonest instructors…

Far too many are so misinformed about the truth that they wind up spreading lies that get people killed…

And in the end – the result is the same:

Good guy down…

But enough about the problem…

Now that you know what it really is – and why you can’t count on most firearms instructors to solve it for you – let’s dive into the details of how you fix it for yourself…

Tier-1 War Fighting
Secrets Exposed

These are the exact techniques I learned from a special operations veteran…

A guy named John Nettles (more about him in a moment) who was literally kicking down doors and killing terrorists less than 24 hours before he shared these techniques…

The most important thing you can do to prepare yourself for a firefight is something I call “Trigger Response Stimulation”…

You absolutely MUST do this to prepare for the real-world dangers you will face as an armed citizen…

I’ve found a simple way to practice “Trigger Response Stimulation” at home…

Which I’ll now share with you…

Starting with what you absolutely, positively MUST avoid and why…

If you want to avoid training that will get you killed, you’ve got to avoid traditional marksmanship training…


Traditional marksmanship training has you standing behind a firing line…

Stock still…

Shooting at a stationary target…

Does that sound anything like a firefight to you?

Me either…

In fact:

If all you do is avoid standing still during your firearms training, you’ll immediately reduce your risk of dying when the shots start coming your way…

Imagine for a second how you’ll feel when you start to train this way…

Your blood is pumping…

Your heart is beating so hard you can feel it in your body and hear it in your ears beneath your ear protection…

Part of you knows this is just practice – but another part of you is in full fight or flight mode…

By the end of your training session you’re exhausted…

But you also feel something new…

A sense of confidence you’ve never felt before…

A deep sense of knowing that you are ready for whatever threats comes your way because you have abandoned armchair commando tactics for those of elite war-fighters…

There’s nothing like that feeling in the world…

And the best part is, you can start to experience it in the next two days if you’ll do exactly as I say next…


Do This Now To Become Even Deadlier
Than The Police And Military

The best part about “Trigger Response Stimulation” is that you can actually become deadlier with your firearms than most police and military service members…

And believe it or not – you can do so in your living room…

As a matter of fact, Joh Nettle has spent 30 years in special forces…

As a Green Beret, he was something the suits called a “force multiplier” because he would take untrained people…

Often including old men, women and teenagers…

And teach them this system before leading them into battle against seasoned military units…

The fact that he’s here today is testimony to just how effective this is…

That means that once you apply this principle to your own training – you can possess supreme confidence as you move throughout an increasingly dangerous world…

Even if you are old, weak or even disabled…

Walk with me for a second and see how that looks…

You’re out doing your business when you see a thug dressed in gang attire…

You can tell he’s on the prowl for his next victim…

But when his eyes lock with yours something unexpected happens…


Not yours but his…

He quickly looks away before glancing nervously back a few times – almost in shock…

What he just saw was death – starring at him through supremely confident eyes…

Those are not the eyes of a victim…

He won’t be messing with you or anyone today – not while you’re around…

You never say a word, but you both know what just happened…

The hunter just became the hunted…

And this can be your reality in the next 48 hours if you do everything I share next…

Now: Here’s the most important thing of all…

Trigger Response Stimulation

It’s how you actually become deadly proficient with your firearm against the exact type of unexpected threats you face today…

If you don’t do this – nothing else will matter…

It’s what I told you about earlier…

I’m talking about “Trigger Response Stimulation”…

“Trigger Response Stimulation” is how you prepare for a threat that comes out of nowhere…

The lone gunman who suddenly starts shooting up the theatre…

The street thug who surprises you from behind…

Or the home invader who just kicked down your door…

The process is simple…

With an unloaded firearm in your usual carry position you set up a countdown timer that will trigger an alarm at a random interval…

The instant you hear the sound of the alarm – you draw and dry fire your firearm at a target…

It’s is vitally important that you practice perfect technique on your draw, presentation and trigger pull…


The reason this works is that it trains your reaction time…

And if you’ll recall what I said earlier…

The first person to get a shot on target in a gunfight is almost always the winner…

The one who gets to live…

“Trigger Response Stimulation” prepares you for the type of violence you will encounter in the real world…

The kind that comes out of nowhere…

And the kind you can’t avoid…

Because it trains you to respond instantly to stimulation – like the first shot of an active shooter…

And to quickly get your first shot on target…

Just picture what that looks like with me…

You’re at the park on a sunny day enjoying some much-needed rest…

The playground is full of kids with bright smiles on their faces…

The air filled with the sound of laughter…

As a young mother calls to one of her little tots you see a young man in a trench coat swinging an AR-15 out of the folds of his coat…

Time slows to a crawl as you think “Oh God, no” …

And that’s when the first shot shatters the peaceful scene…

As screams fill the air you find yourself advancing on your target…

The young man in the trench coat…

Who is now lying in a pool of his own blood…

In that instant, your thinking brain kicks in – and you are shocked to realize that the first shot…

Was your shot…

And your shot was true…

The world will never know just how many precious lives you saved that day…

And the fact is, this can be your state of readiness within 2 days if you take advantage of what I’ll share next…

Two Ways To Start Training
Your Trigger Response Today

Now I know that was a lot to cover – and you may feel a bit of information overload…

Or still have a few questions…

That’s normal…

It’s also normal – and honorable – to feel the weight of responsibility you carry to protect those you love most…

Those you would gladly die to save…

At this point you basically have two choices:

1. You can try to master “Trigger Response Stimulation” on your own…

Try to figure out the techniques it took special forces decades to learn…

Take that choice, and when you’re the only thing standing between your family…

And a killer with a gun…

You may be able to save yourself and those it is your job to protect…

To me that’s a very high-risk choice – with a low probability of success…

And the price of failure is too high…

That’s why I urge you to take choice number 2…

The smart choice…

The right choice for your family…

And really – the only choice for those who take full ownership of your responsibility to protect the innocent…

And choice number 2 is to:

Take advantage of all my hard work creating…

Split-Second Shooter:

Split-Second Shooter is the ONLY all-in-one “Trigger Response Stimulation” training that prepares you to handle all three critical survival challenges you will face in a real firefight…

The only system taught by a former A-Team operator…

A man who was recruited for highly classified direct-action missions by one of our nation’s most secretive organizations…

A man who spends his time today rescuing kidnap victims in the most dangerous places on earth…

And doing highly classified missions as a military contractor…

A man who was kicking down doors and killing bad guys less than 24 hours before we recorded this one-of-a-kind training…

This will allow you to survive deadly battle scenarios most special ops guys don’t, including:

Putting Your Enemy Down
In Less Than 3 Seconds!


In order to understand what ‘Split-Second Shooter’ is – it helps if you first understand what it is NOT…

‘Split-Second Shooter’ is NOT:

Unlike all that – this system is based on one simple fact of life:

If you can’t draw, aim, and fire your weapon…accurately and with deadly results in Less Than 3 Seconds…

You’re Already Dead, You Just Don’t Know It Yet!

NOW: Like I said…

You could run out and sign up for every “expert shooting course” out there – IF you’re able to locate them…

Because most are taught by folks with:

Plus you’ll probably only have access to “what if” scenarios…

And let me be completely honest with you…

If you’re convinced that saving a few lousy bucks to practice with amateurs, whose entire resume is based on keeping themselves alive long enough to become a trainer…

You probably won’t have any chance of survival when “stuff” hits the fan and the live ammo starts flying your way.

Or if you think you already know this won’t work… and aren’t even willing to spend 3-minutes a day to protect your family from the inevitable street violence headed your way…

Then leave this page right now…

Split-Second Shooter’ is NOT for you…

So...Is Split-Second Shooter For You?

But if you’re ready to stop feeling like a murder-victim-in-waiting…

If you want to feel safe and confident about every step you take in the streets…

Because the techniques you’re training are from a real-world operator…

If you want to possess the gunfighting skills to survive a firefight…

And – you want a smoother draw, faster reload times, while maintaining your cool and shooting to kill with deadly accuracy…

Even under the most dire, life-threatening conditions.

Then ‘Split-Second Shooter’ is the ONLY solution for you… NOW:

Let’s take a look at what you get when you claim ‘Split-Second Shooter’ and how you can start taking your safety and freedom into your own hands…

And the decades of real-life kill-zone experience that went into producing this…

Split-Second Shooter is taught by John Nettles – a former A-Team operator who has years of trigger time on clandestine missions for one of America’s most secretive – and lethal – organizations…

A man who to this day inserts himself into some of the most dangerous places on earth to rescue kidnap victims…

And to perform highly classified missions as a military contractor…

The training is broken down into “training evolutions” – each building on the last until you are fully prepared for armed combat…

Let’s take a look at what you will master in each evolution…

Training Evolution #1:
High Performance Shooting

If it takes you 3 seconds from the time you begin to draw your weapon, until the moment you fire it…

You might as well be unarmed.

In training video #1, you’ll learn the secrets to shaving life-saving seconds off the time it takes you to put your first shot on target…

In this video, you’ll discover:

Training Evolution #2:
Recoil Mastery

In the next evolution of your training you will learn to control weapons recoil to put your second, third and 30th shot on target…


In a split-second…with deadly accuracy…

Inside you’ll discover:

Training Evolution #3:
Weapons Manipulation

The next evolution of training trains you to master spec ops weapons manipulation techniques…

Inside you’ll learn:

Training Evolution #4:
Firefight Stress Accelerator

You will never be more terrified than when bullets are coming at you…

If you are telling yourself anything else, then you are lying to yourself…


But that fear doesn’t have to paralyze you…

In fact, in this training evolution you will learn to turn that fear into the very edge that let’s you escape with your life…

Here’s what you’ll learn:

Training Evolution #5:
Advanced War Fighter Techniques

Think you’ve learned it all?

Not quite… Master the advanced techniques in this evolution and you will know:

Training Evolution #6:
A-Team Shoot-And-Move Secrets

Things really start to heat up in this evolution…

As you know, standing still in a gunfight is a good way to get dead real quick…

But shooting on the move is not a part of most people’s training routine…

That means they have a very high risk of dying in a real-life gun fight…

You, however, won’t have that problem after you learn:

Training Evolution #7:
Lessons From The Tip Of The Spear

When you’ve seen and done the things John has in his 3 decades of war fighting – you have a few lessons to pass on…

And that’s what you’ll learn in this training evolution…
Things like:

Training Evolution #8:
What Hollywood Got Right

Gunfights aren’t won in minutes or even seconds…they’re won in tenths and hundredths of seconds…

And in this final training evolution you will learn secrets that can turn even an average shooter into an action figure hero…

Inside you’ll discover:

After completing all 8 evolutions of Split-Second Shooter, you will possess the life-saving skills that prepare you for any situation where you are forced to defend yourself and those you love with a firearm…

Apply what you learn here to your practice and you will be the one who is a shield to the innocent…
God’s gift to society…

A warrior.

Here’s why…

The Real Key To Combat Effective
Firearms Training

Most “amateur commandoes” don’t understand that who teaches them, is more important than what it is that they learn…

Most “firearms instructors” use strategic theory over ‘Practical Tactical’…

Meaning they either teach your fairy-tale lessons…OR:

They teach you concepts which only work when you have the support of armed compatriots or an entire unit…

That means, you leave their class feeling confident…but often in more danger of being murdered than when you first signed up.

They are the exact opposite of the Split-Second Shooter’s “you against a gang” real-time, real-world, how-to-escape-alive approach…

The main reason we can make these claims is that John Nettles is the guy that special forces officers, private military security, and the highest-levels of elite government soldiers go to for private instruction…

He was literally kicking down doors and killing terrorists less than 24 hours before we recorded Split-Second Shooter for you…


Proven To Prepare Anyone For Battle

Because John has (quite literally) taken indigenous people who never fought with anything more advanced than a spear before they met him and turned them into hardened battle units which defeated organized national militaries…

That’s why we’ve partnered with John Nettles to make ‘Split-Second Shooter’ – because he has demonstrated that he can turn grandmas into killing machines…

And anyone with decent vision and hand-eye-coordination into an expert shooter…

Because with ‘experts’, you’re literally playing Russian Roulette with your life…

Something we can’t be a part of…

Only TFT produces ‘Split-Second Shooter’ and only John Nettles teaches these black ops-certified, life-or-death firing tactics exactly as he does…

You see, lots of companies and trainers are trying to cash in on the disturbing trends of:

These folks sell tall tales, laced with “secret hacks”, “ninja tricks”, and a bunch of other bogus BS that will plainly get you killed.

It’s because they have no experience facing down:

But John Nettles does…

Does Your Trainer Meet
These Requirements?

That’s why, even though many firearms instructors have hit a deer between the eyes at a few thousand paces…

And they may be able to shoot a smiley face into the head of a still target…

Very few human beings alive today, anywhere on earth, can prepare you for a life vs. death situation…

Where tenths of a second could mean the difference between walking out alive…

Or never walking again, like John Nettles can.

John will break down each and every step of the process necessary to both, compete as a competitive marksman AND survive as a moving target against real world enemies whose only intent is standing over your bullet-ridden body.

He will show you precisely how to:

Once you’ve learned everything there is to know, you can head to the range and apply John’s teachings.

Fortunately, ‘Split-Second Shooter’ also features live drills that you can simulate, step-by-simple-step just like countless men, women, children, and elderly before you.

Then you will be ready to blend everything into the final product…

The ‘Split-Second Shooter’…

But That’s Not Enough

John’s training will also show you how to “police yourself” in making sure that you’re actually applying what you’ve learned properly.

Upon completion, a final test is conducted to make sure that both your sights and your hands are always steady no matter what sort of violent scenario you end up facing.

Finally – after passing all of these tests, ‘Split-Second Shooter’ is complete…

And so are you, as a mild-mannered, below-the-radar, self-defense machine with the ability to put down the kind of villains only professionally-trained soldiers should have a chance against…

In fact:

When you see dirt cheap competitor pricing, you should ask yourself “Why is this so cheap?”

Has this person ever actually had to shoot for their life?

Did they simply walk you through a standardized shooting manual?

Or do they simply want customers who don’t care about doing it right, so they don’t need to be held to the highest standards?

As insiders, we can guarantee…

There are countless “expert shooting” products – especially by those guys with huge muscles and dozens of AR-15 tattoos all over their bodies – the ‘suburban commandoes’ as we like to call them…

Often they’re National Guard reservists or local sheriffs – nothing against them, personally, but most have never had to draw their sidearm under fire, let alone had to put down adversaries within tenths of solitary seconds.

Yet they claim to be ‘experts’ – and occasionally someone dies because of it…

That’s why TFT endorses John Nettles, to avoid that problem because what he teaches is tried, true, and tested in the only place that matters…the field of battle.

His top priority is to provide the highest quality information, training, and skill set – using only techniques that he himself tested in live fire fights across the globe…

The details of which are still largely classified…

What Can You Expect From
Split-Second Shooter?

So when you consume the knowledge in ‘Split-Second Shooter’ you are coming out primed with the best of the best…

In case you ever have to face down the worst of the worst!

So, when you order ‘Split-Second Shooter’ today, know that:

Sold by itself, the Split-Second Shooter course is normally $297.

It is only available on this page… and only for a limited time…

And because you read this far, you won’t pay near the full price when you claim your order today…

Now of course, you could continue to do the things you’ve been doing…

The untested, get-you-killed techniques so rampant on the web today…

And – God-forbid – should you ever find yourself in a gun fight, spend 100, 200 or 300 times the reduced price of ‘Split-Second Shooter’ in the near future on medical bills, surgery or even the funeral of a loved one…

And I think you know that’s a very real risk because you read this far in the first place…


That’s NOT what I want for you…

Are You Ready To Join The Mission?

And I feel like it’s important for you to know why I’m giving you such a big discount today…

So let me share the ‘Split-Second Shooter’ vision with you today…

It’s a cause that I’m inviting you to join to restore the right and ability to defend yourself with a firearm that allowed America to become the greatest nation in history…

As you know full-well, the Gun Grabbers are out in full-force and will now clearly stop at nothing before we’re all left defenseless…

But last I checked we still have the right to keep and bear arms to defend our homes, our loved ones and our country…

Above all – the mission is to share the life changing experience of ‘Split-Second Shooter’ with 1 Million safety-conscious 2nd Amendment protectors by 2019…

Because there isn’t ONE single source where you can get these critical skills for shootout survival in one spot… trust me I looked…

And there is a reason no other companies stick to our rigorous standards of excellence…

It costs a lot of money…leaving very little margin for profit…

The best of the best trainers don’t come cheap…

Yet in my book, making a difference is more important than making a huge profit…

And because I know that a lot of folks are looking for ways to save today…

And I want to make sure that price is not a problem for anyone who needs ‘Split-Second Shooter’…

You won’t pay $297 for the course…

Or even $147

Your total investment today is only a tiny fraction of the regular price…

Even though that’s not all you get when you join me today…

If you act now, before this page expires, you’ll not only receive immediate digital video access…

You’ll also receive the following value-added bonus to take your training to the next level…

Free Bonus: Under The Gun

In this power-packed video you’ll discover:

The #1 key to military and civilian safety and success… Do this and you will always, always be prepared

One training secret that keeps our cops alive in the streets and how you can do it too

Green Beret methods for taking people with no warrior culture, no organized mindset, and no education and then leading them into combat…one Green Beret to thirty+ of them…

John also goes over…

Why the right teacher means everything… and why John is that dude

The lessons in this free bonus will empower you to teach those you love the life-saving gunfighting skills of an elite operator…

All of this is yours when you claim Split-Second Shooter…

So if you’re ready to achieve mastery of the skills to win any firefight, here’s what I want you to do right now…

Look below this sentence and find the big green button…

Put your mouse over and click – then complete the form on the next page to become a death-dealing defender today…

Instantly access ALL the digital training videos…

Still Not Sure?


Don’t decide now…

Take advantage of Split-Second Shooter’s:

30-Day, Full-View, 100% Money Back
Triple Guarantee:

Just send 1 email or make one phone call and your full investment will be promptly & courteously returned…

No Questions Asked…

Even if you’ve already completed the ‘Split-Second Shooter’ course…

So, if you want to try ‘Split-Second Shooter’ out risk-free…

If you want to eliminate fear, become a dead-eye-marksman and regain full-and-total control of your personal safety, even under the deadliest of potential circumstances – here’s what you need to do right now…

Look below… Find the big green button…

Put your mouse over it… Now:

Click it…

Then complete the form on the next page to claim ‘Split-Second Shooter’ for yourself…

Instantly access ALL the digital training videos…

And Remember:


You’re not just getting a great bargain here today you’re joining a movement to take America back from those who would rather see us as lambs to the slaughter…than as the guardians of our family.

The instant you click the ‘Add to Cart’ button you’ll be taken to a page that looks like this:

This is a 100% secure order form with military-grade encryption so your private information is safe…


After you order you can go at your own pace and master the ‘Split-Second Shooter’ formula as you please.

It’s that easy…


Now remember – if you’re following any ol’ “ex-military” guy’s advice you could be sipping on snake oil as we speak…

And if you continue to let untested shooters teach you dangerous techniques for their personal gain…

You can expect to feel that same sense of “I’m not ready for a life or death gun fight” that made you read this far…

After all…

Didn’t Einstein say the definition of insanity was doing the same thing over and over again expecting a different result?

Yet you can change everything the instant that you put ‘Split-Second Shooter’ to work in your life…

Just picture the moment that happens…

You feel more confident day by day…

Your bullets squeeze tighter around the bullseye…

And you feel like a new, powerful, calm, killing machine…

And that can ALL happen over the next two weeks IF you click that button now…

Because before today you were a victim of leftist fear mongering and Johnny Come Lately’s tall shooter tales…

Yet right now marks the moment when you became aware of the truth and you now know what it takes for you to really win a gunfight…

Now you are responsible for choosing what to do with this information…

You must either click the button and begin your ‘Split-Second Shooter’ success story or continue down the path you were on before…

If you continue to depend on police and “the kindness of strangers” you know what to expect…

The data proves that most of those assaulted with a deadly weapon, either don’t make it out alive or carry debilitating physical and psychological scars with them for life.

That’s not what either one of us wants for you…

And with the ‘Split-Second Shooter’ 30-Day, 100% Money Back, fully-complete, Triple Guarantee you have Absolutely Nothing To Lose…

And Everything To Gain…

Plus you’re always minutes away from help with the support desk…

So it only makes sense to grab ‘Split-Second Shooter’ for yourself right now…

Look below…

Find the bright green button below that says “Add to Cart”…

Put your mouse over it and click to claim ‘Split-Second Shooter’ for yourself…

Instantly access ALL the digital training videos…


As soon as you gain access to the members’ area – I want you to watch the BONUS 1 video of ‘Split-Second Shooter’ immediately…

There’s no reason to wait to start improving your safety and shooting skill…

If you’re like most folks; you’ll immediately start to feel more relaxed and confident…

That’s your body responding to real leadership and expert guidance…

It’ll take you less than a few minutes to complete… and you’ll be on your way…

You’ve just done more for the safety of you and your loved ones with one click of a button than law enforcement has done in the last decade…

So go ahead and click that big green button…


Don’t wait one second longer…

If you delay you may miss out on the reduced market test prices and come back later to find that the temporary discount is removed, and the price is higher than it is right now…

In fact: If you reach the order form and it says that we are “Out of Stock” it means the reserved trainings we’ve set aside for this drastically-reduced-price market test are already gone and you have missed the boat…

After all, we do have to pay some bills around here and it is a very real possibility that if you leave without buying today, you’ll never see this low of a price again…

But beyond all that – you’ll have continued down an unsafe path longer than needed…

Possibly finding yourself in an active shooter situation…which can lead to your early demise.

Or worse still – having to live life knowing that you could have ben the hero who saved all those people…but you weren’t prepared…

You’ll have missed the chance to feel safer… and really BE safer… because…

After all – what area of your life won’t be improved by knowing you can defend yourself and your loved ones against all enemies…foreign and domestic?

Plus the risks of doing nothing far outweigh the minimal investment of doing something…


The way things are going, at some point…you or someone you care about will come into contact with a person (or persons) seeking to do you permanent physical damage that can’t be undone…

That’s why you cannot afford to wait and get caught unprepared…

Decision Time: Choices And Consequences

So the choice is fairly simple…

Choice one is to continue without ‘Split-Second Shooter’ and roll the dice with your life…

If you make that choice, you face the ever-increasing risk of falling victim to violent crimes ranging from:
sexual assault and armed robbery, to kidnapping and torture…

Even murder…

Remember: Every 0.42 seconds…somewhere in America, a person like you falls victim to a violent crime…

And I’m sure all of them thought at one point that “it could never happen to me”…

Until it did…

Those lucky enough to survive and join us, will never let it happen again.

None of us want that for you, so this really isn’t a choice at all…

The other option is to try out ‘Split-Second Shooter’ risk-free…

With ‘Split-Second Shooter’ you have a proven way to prevent yourself from ever becoming a victim, even against seemingly insurmountable odds.

Seems like the better choice to me…

Especially since there’s no good reason to wait because the price is very reasonable & affordable…

And what little you do invest is backed by a 30-Day, 100% Money Back, Triple Guarantee…

So my recommendation is simple:

Don’t gamble with your life…or those of your children, grandchildren, and spouse.

Let’s make sure that you avoid armed violence as best possible…and have a way to deal with it, using maximum deadly force, if the need ever does come up.

Here’s what I want you to do right now…

Look below…

Find the big green button below that says “Add to Cart’…

Put your mouse over it and click it to claim ‘Split-Second Shooter’ right now…

Instantly access ALL the digital training videos…

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